Friday, October 24, 2014

DTC for Ian 10/17/14

Yayyeee!  After the long paper journey, which we thought would never end, we are finally DTC for Ian.  DTC means  . . . Dossier to China!.  As we still have a little bit of a wait to go, we should travel sometime the first of the year.  Adoption isn't easy!  There are soooo many obstacles. And one of the biggest obstacles is the financial piece.  We have been so blessed to have received a $3000 matching grant from Lifesong for Orphans.  To help support our grant, we are selling origami note cards that our daughter, Faith makes.  Those are in the previous post.  And we'll be adding more a little later, including some Christmas ones.  If you'd like to help us meet our $3000 goal either by purchasing one of the card sets or making a donation,  here's how you can help.  Leave a comment if you'd like to purchase a card set or if you'd rather make a donation you can do so by check or our Lifesong paypal link.

Checks can be made payable to Lifesong for Orphans.  In the memo, note family name and family account number #4765 to insure it goes to the correct account.   Please mail to "Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744.  100% of the donation will go directly to our adoption.  To donate online, you can click the "donate" button to the right, under "Ian's Lifesong Account" which will take you straight to our paypal link with Lifesong.  The account number will show there as well, #4765. 

This little guy has had a rough start to life.  We are so blessed to be his parents and can not wait to
get him home.  Waiting isn't easy, but we know God's got this!  Precious boy, oh how you are already loved. 

Origami card sets available including our new design.

This set sold as a set of 8 including
2 doves, 2 stars, 2 angels, and 2 trees
with envelopes.

Set of 8 dress origami cards in assorted
patterns.  This one is an
example and each set varies.
Also $13.75 a set and
includes envelopes.



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